KLEER® Hydrocarbon Membrane Cartridge with available RSS Reservoirs


RSS petrol/gasoline/diesel passive skimmers incorporate a KLEER® Membrane discriminating Filter Cartridge which utilizes a patented hydrophobic enhanced flow membrane material to separate fuel from water. 

Our passive skimmers offer a well proven method of monitoring and remediation. The Cartridge recovers LNAPL  using the large permanent waterproof membrane separation surface instead of unpredictable floating intakes.  As a result, gasoline/diesel skimmers require no power and no moving parts - guaranteeing long term efficient ground water remediation. The Cartridge can be easily attached to your chosen actively powered  skimmer base if you wish to automate your LNAPL recovery.  

Membrane based separation also allows your skimmer to create its own LNAPL attractive gradient - ensuring recovery of gasoline and diesel to a sheen. Our patented oleophilic membrane within the KLEER ® Cartridge actually attracts LNAPL, often removing any need for ground water pumping and depression - the fuel simply falls into your chosen reservoir. 

RSS Skimmers with KLEER®  Filters are designed to last and have been adopted as the worldwide industry standard in passive recovery, cleanup, monitoring, and remediation of subsurface gasoline/diesel spills.  The fuel/water separation Cartridge, the heart of the RSS skimmer bailer, is warranted to recover petrol/gasoline and diesel while rejecting water .


Our RSS passive skimmers have many advantages that optimize hydrocarbon removal.

  • Removal of floating hydrocarbon using patented KLEER® Filter membrane technology. KLEER® Filter includes a 2 year warranty. 
  • They require no power, no moving parts, and require no maintenance.
  • Your skimmer can float, ready to fill. 
  • Excellent for contaminant drawdown calculations.


  • 6' - 12' adjustable stainless steel lifting cables with eyebolt and  adjustment clamp (stainless steel chain also available).
  • PVC/polymer slotted collection cartridge with vent tube.
  • 250 mm vertical collection KLEER® filter pulls fuel directly through patented membrane into your bailer  reservoir.  Filter collects upon contact with fuel, to a sheen. Tolerant of water submergence.
  • Available optional clear PVC reservoir.
  • Stainless steel base with brass drain valve and optional  safety latch.


RSS® Skimmer Operation Manual